Statement on Latest Overdose Death in Philly Jails

PHILADELPHIA–“The hearts of everyone at the Defender Association of Philadelphia are with the family of Amanda Cahill, who lost her life while in custody after being arrested in the latest ‘Kensington sweep.’ This devastating but avoidable tragedy highlights a fundamental failure in the City’s approach to dealing with the addiction crisis.


Philadelphia’s jails are severely understaffed, and struggle to handle the existing prison population. They are simply not equipped to handle the surge of people with addiction resulting from these ‘sweeps.’ Ms. Cahill’s death is precisely the kind of tragedy that occurs when we use ineffective law enforcement tactics to address what is ultimately a public health issue. Arresting people suffering from addiction and placing them in jails that are unprepared to meet their many medical and mental health needs will only lead to more preventable deaths.


“We must prioritize the health and safety of all residents by investing in solutions that treat addiction as a medical condition, not a crime. If these sweeps are to continue, medical personnel should be on hand to conduct thorough examinations to determine whether individuals can be sent to hospitals rather than to jail.


“Clearly, the situation in Kensington is dire. That’s why the Defender Association has been calling for the City to work in collaboration with every justice system stakeholder to address these urgent issues comprehensively. Only by working in partnership—across public health, social services, law enforcement, and the legal community—can we prevent tragedies like Amanda Cahill from becoming the norm.


“We once again urge the city to reevaluate its current strategies and work with us and our community partners to find evidence-based solutions that genuinely address the root causes of addiction. Instead of a system that criminalizes our most vulnerable residents, let’s work together to build one that protects them—and their communities—in their most vulnerable moments.”


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