Defender Statement on Philly FY 2026 Budget

The Mayor’s budget is bold and ambitious, but indigent defense should make up more than 1% of total spending. 



“The Mayor’s budget outlines a bold and ambitious vision for Philadelphia’s future—one that emphasizes investment in communities, public safety, and a more just system. But that vision cannot be fully realized without more funding for the Defender Association. In the Mayor’s proposed budget, indigent defense—a constitutional right—accounts for just 1% of total spending.


“The Board and staff of the Defender Association of Philadelphia thanks the City Council members who have already recognized the importance of funding public defense. Their support reflects an understanding that public safety isn’t just about enforcement—it’s also about access to justice, effective representation, connection to services, meaningful alternatives to incarceration, and reentry. 


“The Defender Association’s budget proposal also includes a request for funding to start our first Immigrant Defense Unit. “Philadelphia’s immigrant communities are already being detained, and navigating a complex legal system, often without representation. Without dedicated funding for our Immigration Defense Unit, more families will be at risk of separation and removal and more residents will be left to fight for their futures alone. Philadelphia can’t claim to be a place of opportunity while denying people their right to representation.


“Our budget proposal also highlights the real need for Social Workers to support initiatives including Kensington Wellness Court and work with our youth and adult population.  Social workers are essential in stabilizing clients by connecting them to housing, treatment, and other critical services. Last year, we represented 44,000 adults, and only had 29 social workers on staff. 


If we want a city where justice is truly accessible to all, we must ensure that the resources exist to make that promise a reality. We look forward to working with City Council and the administration this budget season to make these investments a reality and build a safer, more just Philadelphia.”


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Defender Testimony: Jail Population Reduction Strategies

Testimony on Resolution #240178

On March 4, 2025, Chief Defender Keisha Hudson testified before City Council on Resolution #240718, highlighting urgent reforms to reduce Philadelphia’s jail population. From early bail hearings to forensic recovery programs, the Defender Association is leading efforts to expand alternatives to detention and improve reentry support. Read the full testimony below to learn how policy changes can create a more just and effective system. You can also download a printable copy here.

Watch the testimony video below

Good morning Committee Chairs Jones and Thomas, and members of the Committees on Public Safety and Legislative Oversight. I’d like to thank Councilmember O’Rourke for inviting me here to testify on Resolution No. 240718, and give some of our insights into the actions we should take to safely reduce the jail population and improve conditions for incarcerated people and employees at the jail.


My name is Keisha Hudson and I serve as the Chief Defender of the Defender Association of Philadelphia. I’ve held this role for 4 years and have been a public defender for the last 22.  


Before discussing the challenges and potential solutions, it’s important to note the Philadelphia Prison is required to take people who are court ordered to the jail and hold them for as long as the court orders their detention. The jail can’t send them away, or independently determine they should be released on supervision or for transportation to a substance use treatment facility. They don’t have control over how long the person’s case takes to resolve, whether a detainer will be lifted,  or whether or not the person can afford to post bail to secure their release. They don’t determine how long of a jail sentence a person will receive or how much of that sentence they will be required to serve.


And yet, all of these factors play a significant role in the population at the jail and therefore the conditions experienced by incarcerated people.


Our office understands that while we can’t control most of the issues related to conditions of confinement, we can, and have, prioritized initiatives that expedite our clients release from the jail, and in some cases avoid detention altogether. These include:


Staffing Preliminary Arraignment Court twenty-four  hours a day/seven days a week;


Early Bail Review hearings;


Emergency Bail hearings; and


Our new grant funded Bridge Home project, which helps prepare Early Release Petitions for and provide re-entry support for people released on parole.


Preliminary Arraignment

In Philadelphia, the first hearing for anyone arrested on a new criminal offense is a preliminary arraignment. Philadelphia does not have a summons process and so everyone must come through preliminary arraignment for a review of the charges against them and a determination about bail. It is a high volume court room which is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and on holidays. 


At that hearing, the arrestee appears by video while advocates from the DAO and Defender are in the courtroom. Unlike most counties in the Commonwealth, people arrested in Philadelphia are represented at this initial bail determination. Unfortunately, advocates have little information available to them to make their best arguments. Defender representatives are in the court house while the clients are attending virtually from police stations throughout the city. The hearings typically last less than two minutes. 


With support from the MacArthur Safety and Justice implementation team—including the First Judicial District (FJD), District Attorney’s Office (DAO), Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), Office of Prosecutor Services (OPS, formerly Major Trials Division), and Philadelphia Police Department (PPD)—our office successfully petitioned to install communications equipment in the courthouse. This allowed us, as capacity permitted, to conduct pre-arraignment interviews with arrestees.This has better enabled our office to not only prepare people for what to expect, but also gather information to present to the magistrate so he or she can make a more informed decision about bail.


Early Bail Review

Early Bail Review, or “EBR” hearings typically occur within 5 days of the person’s arrest and present an opportunity for the court to review the appropriateness of a person’s continued detention. These hearings, initiated ten years ago, are now an essential component to the courts’ processes. 


To prepare for these hearings, our office developed an expedited interview process and ensured robust advocacy. This includes identifying clients’ social service needs, connecting them to appropriate supports, and providing judges with the information needed to make more informed, individualized decisions. The social service advocates virtually attend the court hearings and are available to provide additional information about resources available to meet clients needs. The workload itself is significant. Last year, our office prepared for and staffed over 4,500 individual EBR hearings.


Our ability to address these bail concerns early in the process helps the courts identify people who can be safely released without any undue delay. It alleviates the burden on our overcrowded detention facilities while supporting fairness and a more efficient and equitable judicial process. This benefits those involved in the criminal justice system, as well as the community it serves.


While all other stakeholders have sustained their funding from the MacArthur initiative - our office has not. This year our funding from the city to continue the initiatives in preliminary arraignment and early bail review hearings is set to end June 30, 2025.  And our office will require $750,000 to be added to our base budget to sustain this work.


Emergency Bail Hearings

The Emergency Bail Hearing is a relatively new strategy and represents some of the best of what we can achieve when system stakeholders work together to tackle the challenge of prison overcrowding. Developed with the support of the Prison, the DAO, and the FJD, our office reviews weekly reports provided by the jail of people who are incarcerated, without detainers, on less than a $100,000 bail. This data is not available to us, and we could not do this project without their support. 


Experienced attorneys at our office review the report, work in collaboration with social services as needed, and file for clients to be added to the hearings list. A senior member of the FJD presides over the calendar and makes determination about whether continued detention is warranted or whether the person can be released with or without conditions. A senior member of the Executive Team staffs those hearings.  To date over 100 people have been released without compromising public safety. 


Forensic Intensive Recovery

The Forensic Intensive Recovery (FIR) program was established in 1991 in response to a federal consent decree related to overcrowding in Philadelphia jails. FIR referrals were implemented as a population reduction strategy by removing those in need of treatment. 


FIR is an alternative to incarceration program. Essentially, individuals who are incarcerated are referred for evaluation by a FIR evaluator to see if they qualify  for release in favor of placement at a substance abuse or mental health treatment facility. The evaluators are contracted by the City of Philadelphia to conduct the evaluations, generate and distribute reports, and assist in matching the client with an appropriate level of care. Our office processes all FIR referrals for our clients as well as those referred by private and court appointed attorneys.


As a result of our attorneys direct experience representing clients, we decided to take a closer look at the wait times people referred to the FIR program experience. From April to June 2024, 654 FIRs were filed for 615 unique individuals. For 37 individuals, more than 1 FIR was filed on their behalf during an identical incarceration event so we only counted one FIR. For 2 individuals, more than 1 FIR was filed but during different incarceration periods, so we counted them as two unique referrals. So our final referral count was 617 FIRs for 615 individuals


Our review revealed that on average, it takes over two months for incarcerated people referred to FIR to be released from the jail. It takes an average of 35 days from referral for the incarcerated person to be evaluated and then another 12 days for the report to be generated and circulated to justice system stakeholders. In 18% of referrals (113 individuals), the clients were released from the jail prior to their evaluation and were never evaluated by FIR. This is a missed opportunity to intervene. While we don’t usually discuss re-arrest, 45 of the clients (39%) released prior to their evaluation were subsequently re-arrested and re-admitted to the jail within 6 months. 


This process is not a sustainable solution to the substance use crisis we’re facing in Philadelphia. The social services staff in our office can actually connect clients with evaluations and appropriate placements more effectively and efficiently. However, with a limited number of social service advocates supporting all our clients, we currently lack the capacity to provide direct case management and coordination services to fully meet this need.


An additional investment in our office to expand our social services capacity to better serve all of our clients with substance use and behavioral health needs–especially those residing in or arrested in Kensington–would go a long way to reducing the jail population and relieving the burden on the FIR program.


We would also like to partner with the city agencies that are working to draft the RFP for FIR and designing the scope of work for the contract. We believe that we, as well as stakeholders from the Prison, from the FJD, and from the DAO could have valuable insight into some of the key performance indicators and deliverables necessary to improve the quality of this program.


Early Release Petitions

Last year our office was selected to receive a re-entry grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. The purpose of our program is to assist with re-entry planning for incarcerated clients. Specifically, a grant-funded re-entry specialist completes a needs-based assessment for incarcerated clients, gathers pertinent mitigation information, and develops pre- and post-release plans to ensure success upon reintegration into the community and help reduce recidivism.  Our attorneys rely on these plans to file petitions for early release for clients serving county jail sentences.


Our re-entry specialists provide direct case management upon release to support the client as they navigate parole and transition home. This program works because it connects people with the reentry programs and services that the city already offers. It serves as a complement to the programs that already exist without offering duplicative services. Our service adds to the existing continuum of programming because we are able to anticipate possible releases because our office also files the petitions for release.  As the initiative grows we will continue to connect people to existing programs in a meaningful way and continue to advocate for more predictability in reentry processes.


This work not only helps to decarcerate the jail but also provides a bridge of support that also relieves some of the workload from the county parole officers. This is still a pilot program, but we believe with an infusion of funding we could provide similar services to our young people coming home from placement or the youth detention facility who are more susceptible to adult arrest than non delinquency system-involved peers.



The Defender Association is committed to reducing the jail population, improving conditions for incarcerated people and jail staff, and creating more alternatives to detention. Sustaining and strengthening these efforts requires increased investment and ongoing collaboration with city leaders and our justice system partners. With more resources for our social services team, faster access to diversion programs, and stronger partnerships, we can create a more effective and equitable system—one that prioritizes rehabilitation, lowers recidivism, and improves public safety for all Philadelphians.

Hon. Judge Lydia Kirkland Joins Defender Board

PHILADELPHIA–The Defender Association of Philadelphia is proud to announce that the Honorable Judge Lydia Y. Kirkland, a distinguished member of Philadelphia’s legal community, has joined our Board of Directors. Judge Kirkland brings with her over 30 years of experience as a Municipal Court Judge, including her tenure as Supervising Judge of the Criminal Division, where she championed innovative approaches to justice and rehabilitation.


“We are honored and excited to have Judge Kirkland join the Board of Directors of the Defender Association of Philadelphia,” said Defender Board President Paul Hetznecker, “Judge Kirkland served the cause of justice during her three decades on the bench, while at the time serving as a mentor to the countless litigants, public defenders, assistant district attorneys and private lawyers who appeared before her. I am grateful that Judge Kirkland’s experience and knowledge will be in service of our mission as we move into the future.”


Throughout her career, Judge Kirkland has been a trailblazer in promoting alternatives to incarceration, creating programs that address the root causes of criminal behavior and prioritize treatment and support. Her forward-thinking leadership exemplifies the kind of systemic reform the Defender Association seeks to advance.


“We are thrilled to welcome Judge Kirkland to the Board” said Chief Defender Keisha Hudson. “Her decades of experience, knowledge of our court system, and leadership in pioneering alternatives to incarceration will be invaluable as we continue our fight for equity and justice.”


Judge Kirkland’s addition to the board represents a continued commitment by the Defender Association to draw on diverse expertise in our mission to advance justice and improve outcomes for Philadelphia’s most vulnerable residents. 


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Act 111 and the Fight for Police Accountability

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case City of Philadelphia v. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 5. is a huge opportunity for the Court to take a stand on police accountability.


At the center of it all is Act 111. Act 111 is a decades-old law that shapes how police contracts are negotiated, with big implications for transparency, public safety, and how our city spends its budget.


The Defender Association has teamed up with the ARC Justice Clinic and the ACLU of Pennsylvania to file an amicus brief in the case.


Download this easy-to-follow explainer from our partners at UPenn Law to learn why this case matters to every Philadelphian.


Read the Full Amicus Brief


Download the Act 111 Explainer


Philly Defenders Secure Safe Release of 100 Clients

The milestone is a testament to the power of a collaborative approach to reducing Philly's jail population. 


PHILADELPHIA—In response to the dangerous conditions caused by severe staffing shortages in Philadelphia’s jails, the Defender Association of Philadelphia, in collaboration with the First Judicial District and the District Attorney’s Office, has successfully secured the safe release of 100 incarcerated people. This initiative, part of a series of Emergency Bail Hearings led by Judge Karen Simmons, aims to reduce the jail population while maintaining public safety.


The Emergency Bail Hearings began on October 1, with additional sessions scheduled in the coming weeks. These hearings prioritize cases involving individuals who can be released pre-trial without posing a threat to public safety. Attorneys from the Defender Association, including Chief Defender Keisha Hudson, First Assistant Defender Sarah Allen, Deputy Defender Stephanie Fennell, Andrew Pappas, and Tom Innes, worked closely with the Courts and the District Attorney’s Office to identify eligible clients.


“Reducing the jail population during this crisis is a crucial step in safeguarding both the rights of the incarcerated and the efficiency of our justice system,” said Hudson. “The success of these hearings shows the power of the collaborative approach we’ve been pushing for throughout the staffing crisis on State Road.”


Hudson added that the Defender Association is dedicated to continuing these efforts, working with City leaders and other advocates to secure additional releases and address the broader challenges facing Philadelphia’s jails. “This is an important milestone, but there is still much work to be done to ensure that we uphold fairness, accountability, and public safety for every citizen of Philadelphia.”


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Watch the story on NBC10

Talking Prison Conditions on WURD

October 8, 2024: Chief Defender Keisha Hudson and Director of Prison Advocacy Tom Innes spoke with Tonya Pendleton about Philly jail conditions on WURD’s “Reality Check.”


Full audio below: 



Defender PAU on “Public Defenseless” Podcast

How Philly Public Defenders Uncovered Systemic Abuses in the Philly Police Department

Mike Mellon and Paula Sen from the Police Accountability Unit joined Hunter Parnell on the “Public Defenseless” podcast. The PAU team spoke about how their work helped to uncover a systemic pattern and practice of lies and illegal use of surveillance cameras. 


Click the “play” button below to listen.


Keisha Hudson on Prison Oversight Bill

PHILADELPHIA—“The Defender Association commends Councilmembers Isaiah Thomas and Nicolas O’Rourke, as well as all the co-sponsors (Council President Johnson, and Councilmembers Ahmad, Bass, Brooks, Driscoll, Gauthier, Harrity, Jones, Landau, Lozada, O’Neill, Phillips, Squilla, and Young) for their leadership in introducing an amendment to create a new Philadelphia Prison Community Oversight Board and Office of Prison Oversight.


“This legislation is a strong and crucial first step toward addressing the persistently dangerous conditions in Philly’s jails. We’re hopeful that the new oversight will increase transparency; improve communication between the jails and our office, as well as between the jails and the community; and enhance safety for both incarcerated people and prison staff by reducing the jail population.


“This legislation represents a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to public safety that goes beyond law enforcement, arrests and convictions. To that end, we echo the sentiments of Councilmembers Thomas and O’Rourke, who remind us that we have a responsibility to all of our citizens–including those behind bars.” 


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Statement: Another Death in Philly Jails

PHILADELPHIA–“The ongoing neglect by criminal justice partners to address the horrendous conditions  in Philly’s jails has resulted in the tragic death of Michael McKinnis. The Defender Association is still awaiting full information on the circumstances surrounding his death. For the second time in just ten days, we extend condolences to the family of another victim in the custody of the Philadelphia Department of Prisons.


“No guard was assigned to the unit where Mr. McKinnis was housed—an inexcusable but predictable outcome of the well-known guard shortage on State Road. The Defender Association has consistently proposed ways to safely reduce the jail population and ease pressure on the staff. We’ve repeatedly called for collaboration and dialogue to develop solutions to end this crisis.


“This crisis requires us to move as quickly and proactively as we did when COVID-19 was spreading through the jails. The time for city leaders to act is overdue. If this lack of urgency continues, more people are going to die in Philly’s jails.”


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