Keir Bradford-Grey on Shooting of Walter Wallace, Jr.

PHILADELPHIA–“Last night’s horrific incident in Cobb’s Creek is made all the more tragic by the fact that it was completely avoidable. Many questions will need to be answered in the coming weeks, but one thing is clear: this is not the public safety model that our communities want or need. 
“Discussions about the killing of Walter Wallace, Jr. will include vigorous debates around acceptable use-of-force protocols. But this is about so much more than that. It’s about what it really takes to feel safe in our neighborhoods, and the overwhelming police response to a mental health emergency is not the answer.
“What we witnessed last night is the sadly predictable outcome of summoning an armed presence into a situation that requires de-escalation and expertise in mental health issues. This is the time to re-think public safety, and how more of our city’s resources can be allocated to organizations and departments who are actually trained to deal with these situations. 
“We cannot afford to squander the opportunity to learn from the Civil Rights moment sparked by this summer’s protests. Unless we quickly reconsider the role of our justice system in public safety, we will continue to re-live the pain and heartbreak of last night’s tragedy, and the subsequent outrage from Philly’s Black and Brown communities.”  
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Defender’s Statement on Philly Prison Conditions

A recent story in the Philadelphia Inquirer contained an internal e-mail communication from a Defender attorney about concerns related to visiting clients in prison during COVID-19. While we are, of course, concerned about the safety of our staff and our incarcerated clients during the pandemic, the views expressed in the e-mail in no way reflect the feelings of all Defender attorneys, nor the Defender’s commitment to providing full representation to all of our clients, no matter where they are.

In our visits, we have found that the Philadelphia Department of Prisons staff and management are taking the coronavirus very seriously, and are doing all they can to implement and enforce safety protocols. We have set up our own internal reporting for Defender staff to share their safety concerns, and we will share these concerns with the prisons as they arise.

In the meantime, we’re working collaboratively with our justice system partners to increase attorney-client access and facilitate the safe release of as many of our clients as possible.  

July 16 Panel Discussion: Fixing PCRA

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On July 16, the Defender Association of Philadelphia hosted a panel of legal experts, activists, and elected leaders to discuss how to reform the Post-Conviction Relief Act and provide hope to thousands of incarcerated Pennsylvanians.


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The PCRA is an indirect appeal asking the courts to reconsider the conviction after a direct appeal is unsuccessful. The goal is to get a new trial and give convicted defendants an opportunity for review of any claims of error or miscarriage of justice. Unfortunately, state law changed in 1996, placing a 1-year time limit on filing these appeals.

This has left people with legitimate claims trapped for years in PA prisons, with no way to appeal their convictions.


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Sharif Street,
PA State Senator

Joanna McClinton,
PA State Representative

Marissa Bluestine, 
Quattrone Center,
UPENN Law School

Nilam Sanghvi, 
Pennsylvania Innocence Project

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Bradley Bridge, 
Defender Association of Philadelphia

Mikal Twiggs, 
Defender Association of Philadelphia

Patricia Cummings,
Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office

Jules Epstein, 
Temple Law School

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Steve Austin,
Mothers in Charge Participatory Defense Hub

Donnell Drinks,

John Pace,
Youth Sentencing and
Re-entry Project

Terrance Lewis, 
Liberation Foundation

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Weekly Expedited Hearing Data

On March 20, three days after the courts closed, the Defender was directed by the FJD that all emergency requests for bail reductions, detainer lifts, and early parole must be filed as written petitions with the court. Since then, the Defender has filed over 1,000 written petitions. Many clients required more than one petition to resolve multiple issues, and some petitions had to be re-filed after the FJD changed its filing rules for emergency petitions on March 23.

As of May 1, 716 of 1,215 petitions that have been decided (58.93%) have been granted.

The FJD agreed to hold expedited release hearings between April 7-9, wherein the Defender and DAO could make oral arguments for bail reductions, detainer lifts, and early parole. The hearings were held in four virtual courtrooms each day, with one Public Defender handling the cases in each room. The cases listed were taken from “presumptive release” case categories created by the DAO in conjunction with the Defender.

The following are weekly summaries that track the success rate of the Defender’s petitions and motions, as well as release numbers: 

Philly Defender Q&A: COVID-19 Emergency

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Philly’s public defenders know that our clients, their families, and friends are extremely concerned about their health during this pandemic. We’re still doing our best to represent and ensure the health and safety of our clients and our communities, and are working hard to provide you with as much information as we can during these uncertain and stressful times.


What is the status of Philly’s Courts?

Philly’s Courts have begun the process of re-opening, with a number of new restrictions and procedures in place. Things are changing quickly, and the Defender is doing our best to keep track of these changes, and keep you informed. Click here for the latest status on court hearings during the pandemic


What are the Defender’s office hours during the COVID-19 emergency?

Our offices are open, but clients who wish to come in for interviews or other meetings must make an appointment with an attorney in advance.

Our hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


I have a court date scheduled. What should I do?

Depending on the type of hearing, you may not be required to appear in court. Click here for an updated status of Philly’s courts.


My loved one has a medical condition that makes them vulnerable to the coronavirus. What should I do?

If you know someone in prison with serious health concerns, please email us right away at Be sure to include the person’s name, date of birth, PP# and any important details, so our Prison Services Unit can look up their case.


My loved one is incarcerated, but not in a Philadelphia county jail. Can the Defender help them?

Unfortunately, we have very little information or solutions for people held in state or federal custody, or those held in local jails outside of the city of Philadelphia. If you have questions about Governor Wolf’s reprieve order that can help some people in PA state custody, please find more information here.  

However, we may be able to help if your loved one has a case in the Philly courts, even if they are being held outside of our jurisdiction. Fill out our online information form if you’re not sure about your loved one’s status.


I have an open case in Philly. How do I know if I’m being represented by a public defender?

If you have an open case in Philly but are unsure whether you are represented by the Defender Association or by a different attorney, you can search by name on this website for your docket to find your attorney and get more information on your case. Whether represented by us or another defense attorney, you can get support on your case or for your loved one by attending weekly online meetings at these community-led Participatory Defense Hubs in Philadelphia.  


I have another question about myself or a loved one. Who can answer my question while your office is closed?

We have an online information form you can fill out by clicking here. Defender staff is monitoring your questions and assigning them to the appropriate attorney or department. 

As you know, people are extremely stressed about the health of their loved ones at this time. We’re getting a lot of questions through this form, so we ask for your patience as we review each question and work to get it the person who can help. 



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Here are some additional information pages that may help you:

What to do if a loved one is incarcerated during the pandemic

What you should know about pretrial supervision during the pandemic

Defender COVID-19 Information Request Form

Defender Frequently Asked Questions


COVID 19: What to Do if a Loved One is Incarcerated

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][DOWNLOAD A PRINTABLE VERSION HERE]

Communicating With People in Custody
People who are incarcerated in PA State facilities or Philadelphia County Jails may still communicate, according to standard policies, by telephone, email and US mail.
The DOC also announced that people housed in the state facilities will be given 5 free phone calls and be permitted to send emails at no cost to them.

Visiting People in Custody
People who are incarcerated in PA State facilities or Philadelphia County Jails may still visit with their attorneys and Prison Society’s official visitors so long as both the incarcerated person and attorney or official visitor satisfactorily pass a medical screening. All other face to face visits with people who are incarcerated have been suspended. People can sign up for 45 minute video visits with their loved ones who are in state prison on the Department of Correction website

Requesting and Official Prison Visitor
If you have concerns about the conditions of confinement where your loved one is housed, the Prison Society may be able to help. Visit  or email to see if an official visit is appropriate. Please note that due to the volume of requests, Prison Society may not be able to respond to everyone.

Attorney Assistance
Although the Defender Association office is currently closed to the public, our management team is working with system stakeholders to facilitate a process to safely maximize release during this unprecedented health crisis. We continue to identify clients who may be eligible for release and represent people unable to post bail during Early Bail Review hearings. This is understandably a fluid situation and there are no clear guidelines to follow.
But we continue to do everything we can to protect the health and safety of our clients in custody.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

What You Should Know: Pretrial Supervision During COVID-19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Congratulations! You’ve been released from jail. But now what? Here are some practical tips, as of March 18, 2020, to keep you in compliance with your pretrial release conditions during the pandemic. This situation is rapidly changing so continue to check our website for any updates. Continue reading “What You Should Know: Pretrial Supervision During COVID-19”

Pre-Entry Coalition Partners

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Click here for more information on the Pre-Entry Coalition


Service Provider Directory

Click on a service category below to find a list of Pre-Entry Coalition organizations.
Click here for a printable directory

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